The Dangers of an Old or Worn Out 16x25x1 Furnace Filter: What You Need to Know

The air quality in your home is essential for your health and comfort. A dirty or worn out 16x25x1 furnace filter can have serious consequences, from poor air quality to expensive repairs. Here's what you need to know.

The Dangers of an Old or Worn Out 16x25x1 Furnace Filter: What You Need to Know

The air quality in your home is essential for your health and comfort. A dirty or worn out 16x25x1 furnace filter can have serious consequences, from poor air quality to expensive repairs. Here, Fritts Heating & Air explains the most common problems associated with using an old or worn out 16x25x1 furnace filter. The most apparent issue that arises from a dirty air filter is a decrease in air quality.

When a filter is maxed out, it can no longer capture air particles, so those particles pass through the filter and return to the air you breathe. This can lead to dry, stagnant, odor-filled air that can cause respiratory problems if not addressed promptly. In addition, a dirty air filter can even let in hazardous contaminants and allergens. Another problem that arises from a dirty air filter is airflow issues. The oven's internal fan is designed to pass air through the HVAC air filter and provide air throughout the house.

If the filter is clogged, it will be more difficult for air to pass through the system. This will cause cold spots to form in several rooms of the house during the winter season. To keep the house comfortable, remember to change the dirty oven filters every few months. When air filters block an air system, the fresh, clean air that must enter is blocked. This can cause the oven's fan to use more energy to distribute the air.

If dirty oven air filters are not replaced regularly, the life of the heating system will be shortened and moderate to serious problems will occur. So how often should the oven filter be changed? The lifespan of an HVAC air filter ranges from 30 days to 6 months, depending on the type of filter and the home's heating program. To ensure that the air in your home is safe to breathe, it is important to continuously replace the oven air filter to prevent dirt and debris from infiltrating the air supply. Neglecting your 16x25x1 furnace filter can lead to bigger problems and expensive repairs. If a filter is old and worn out, it can let in harmful contaminants and allergens. In addition, if the oven cannot turn on, this is an indicator of damage to the fan, pilot light, heat exchanger, pressure switches, gas valves, or other components.

The lack of fresh air in the oven will cause the heat exchanger to get too hot and turn off. In the most serious cases, a dirty air filter can damage the internal components of the oven. To keep your home comfortable and safe from contaminants and allergens, remember to change your 16x25x1 furnace filter every few months. Doing so will help maintain optimal airflow throughout your home and prevent expensive repairs.

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