Rosalyn Luick

Rosalyn Luick

Friendly internet fan. Infuriatingly humble web geek. Freelance social media lover. Proud internet trailblazer. Unapologetic pop culture geek. Evil pop culture maven.

51 Author´s Articles
Is a MERV 11 Filter Bad for HVAC Systems? - An Expert's Perspective

Is a MERV 11 Filter Bad for HVAC Systems? - An Expert's Perspective

The MERV 11 filter is made of a thicker material than the MERV 8, which means that more energy is consumed to allow...

The Best 16x25x1 Furnace Filters for Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best 16x25x1 Furnace Filters for Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to selecting the right furnace filter for your home, there are a few key factors to consider. Size,...

The Environmental Benefits of Using Aftermarket or Generic 16x25x1 Furnace Filters

The Environmental Benefits of Using Aftermarket or Generic 16x25x1 Furnace Filters

When it comes to keeping your gardening equipment in top condition, it is always best to use original equipment...

Can I Use a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter in Other Types of Furnaces or Air Conditioners?

Can I Use a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter in Other Types of Furnaces or Air Conditioners?

Air filters and oven filters both serve the same purpose - to clean the air in your home. However, there are some...

What Materials are Filters Usually Made Of?

What Materials are Filters Usually Made Of?

Filters are commonly constructed from a variety of flexible materials, such as paper, polyester, fabric, and cotton. This ...

The Dangers of an Old or Worn Out 16x25x1 Furnace Filter: What You Need to Know

The Dangers of an Old or Worn Out 16x25x1 Furnace Filter: What You Need to Know

The air quality in your home is essential for your health and comfort. A dirty or worn out 16x25x1 furnace filter can...

Can the Wrong Filter Damage Your Furnace? - An Expert's Perspective

Can the Wrong Filter Damage Your Furnace? - An Expert's Perspective

Using the wrong size air filter won't necessarily damage your air conditioning system right away, but it does have an...

How Long Can You Leave a Filter Out of a Furnace? - An Expert's Perspective

How Long Can You Leave a Filter Out of a Furnace? - An Expert's Perspective

If something unexpected occurs and you have to take out the filter for a day or two, it won't cause any major issues...

5 Reasons to Change Your Furnace Filter Now

5 Reasons to Change Your Furnace Filter Now

When it comes to home maintenance, changing your furnace filter is one of the simplest tasks you can do. But why is it so ...

When is it Time to Replace Your Car's Air Filter?

When is it Time to Replace Your Car's Air Filter?

The most obvious sign that you need to switch out your car's air filter is a decrease in fuel efficiency. If you see...

The Benefits of Using 16x25x1 Furnace Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

The Benefits of Using 16x25x1 Furnace Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to air conditioning systems, a dirty or damaged filter can make it difficult for air to flow in and out....

What is the Actual Size of a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

What is the Actual Size of a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

When it comes to purchasing an air filter, the most important thing to consider is the difference between the nominal...

Is a MERV 16 Air Filter Too High for Home Use?

Is a MERV 16 Air Filter Too High for Home Use?

When it comes to air filters, it can be a confusing task if you haven't done it before. Pretty much every product will...

What are the Most Common Problems with a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

What are the Most Common Problems with a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

A dirty HVAC filter can cause a variety of issues, so it's essential to identify them before they cause further damage....

Can You Run an Air Conditioner Without a Furnace Filter? - The Risks and Dangers

Can You Run an Air Conditioner Without a Furnace Filter? - The Risks and Dangers

As long as your air conditioning unit is working, it should never be operated without an air filter. Dirt is the main...

The Best Way to Store Unused Furnace Filters for Maximum Efficiency

The Best Way to Store Unused Furnace Filters for Maximum Efficiency

When it comes to storing unused furnace filters, the best way to ensure they remain clean and dry is to store them in a...

How Often Should You Check Your 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

How Often Should You Check Your 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

It is essential to keep in mind that the frequency of replacing your 16x25x1 furnace filter depends on a variety of...

Do I Need a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter? An Expert's Guide to Clean Air

Do I Need a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter? An Expert's Guide to Clean Air

Are you wondering if you need a 16x25x1 furnace filter? If so, you're not alone. Many homeowners are uncertain when it...

How Often Should You Check Your 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

How Often Should You Check Your 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

It's essential to stay on top of your furnace filter maintenance to guarantee your home's air quality is up to standard....

Choosing the Perfect 16x25x1 Furnace Filter for Your Home

Choosing the Perfect 16x25x1 Furnace Filter for Your Home

When it comes to selecting an air filter, there are a variety of factors that should be taken into account. To make sure...

What is the Most Common Size Furnace Filter? - A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Most Common Size Furnace Filter? - A Comprehensive Guide

Let's take a look at the most common furnace filter sizes and where to buy them. You can usually find the size of your...

Choosing the Right Air Filter: What You Need to Know

Choosing the Right Air Filter: What You Need to Know

When it comes to selecting an efficient air filter for your oven, the most important factor to consider is the MERV...

What Type of Furnace Filter Should I Use? A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right One

What Type of Furnace Filter Should I Use? A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right One

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHARE) recommends a MERV 6 or higher...

The Environmental Impact of Used Oil Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

The Environmental Impact of Used Oil Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

Oil filters are classified as liquid waste and cannot be placed in landfills. Filters retain significant amounts of oil,...

Does Changing Air Filter Improve Performance in Furnace?

Does Changing Air Filter Improve Performance in Furnace?

Replacing the furnace filters in your heating system can do a lot to benefit both your home and the heating system...

The Best Way to Store Unused 16x25x1 Furnace Filters

The Best Way to Store Unused 16x25x1 Furnace Filters

Keeping a battery of replacement filters in a conspicuous place is essential to ensure the best air quality and avoid...

Can I Use a Standard Air Filter Instead of a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

Can I Use a Standard Air Filter Instead of a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

When it comes to oven filters, it's essential to make sure they fit snugly without having to force them into position. If ...

Everything You Need to Know About Furnace Filters

Everything You Need to Know About Furnace Filters

No matter what type of furnace you have, it's essential to understand the different types of air filters available and...

Maintenance Requirements for 16x25x1 Furnace Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

Maintenance Requirements for 16x25x1 Furnace Filters: A Comprehensive Guide

The standard recommendation is to replace oven filters at least once every 90 days. This is a general guideline, however, ...

Can I Use 16x25x1 Instead of 16x24x1? - An Expert's Guide

Can I Use 16x25x1 Instead of 16x24x1? - An Expert's Guide

When it comes to air filters, size is an important factor to consider. The 16x25x1 size is often used instead of the...

Can I Use an Aftermarket Air Conditioner Instead of a Standard 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

Can I Use an Aftermarket Air Conditioner Instead of a Standard 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

Dirt is the number one cause of breakdowns in air conditioners, so it is essential that the unit only works with a filter ...

How to Choose the Right Furnace Filter for Your Home

How to Choose the Right Furnace Filter for Your Home

When it comes to furnace filters, it's essential to know what to look for. The first step is to check your oven's manual...

Pleated Furnace Filters: The Best Choice for Your Home

Pleated Furnace Filters: The Best Choice for Your Home

In the modern era of air filtration, pleated filters are the ideal choice for homeowners. They are more efficient, safer...

How Often Should You Change Your 16x25x1 Filter? - An Expert's Guide

How Often Should You Change Your 16x25x1 Filter? - An Expert's Guide

Most 16x25x1 oven filters need to be changed after two to three months, but the frequency of replacement depends on your...

What is the Best Material for a Furnace Filter?

What is the Best Material for a Furnace Filter?

When it comes to furnace filters, there are a variety of materials to choose from. Cotton oven filters, also known as...

How Often Should You Clean Your Furnace Filter? A Comprehensive Guide

How Often Should You Clean Your Furnace Filter? A Comprehensive Guide

It's essential to get into the habit of inspecting your furnace filter every 30 days. Even though you should replace it...

What Materials are Used to Make a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

What Materials are Used to Make a 16x25x1 Furnace Filter?

Furnace filters come in a variety of materials, but the most common are fiberglass, cotton, and synthetic fibers. The...

What Are the Best Furnace Filters for Your Home?

What Are the Best Furnace Filters for Your Home?

When it comes to buying furnace filters, there are a few factors to consider. The MERV standard is mainly used to measure ...

The Consequences of Using an Incorrectly Sized Air Filter

The Consequences of Using an Incorrectly Sized Air Filter

When you use an incorrectly sized air filter or install it incorrectly, the filter cannot effectively prevent dust from...

Everything You Need to Know About Furnace Filters

Everything You Need to Know About Furnace Filters

Furnace filters are an essential part of any home’s heating and cooling system. They help keep the air clean and free...

Are Fiberglass Filters the Right Choice for Your Home? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Fiberglass Filters the Right Choice for Your Home? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to selecting the right filtration system for your home, you may have heard of pleated and fiberglass air...