The Best Way to Store Unused Furnace Filters for Maximum Efficiency

Learn how to store unused furnace filters for maximum efficiency and ensure they last as long as possible.

The Best Way to Store Unused Furnace Filters for Maximum Efficiency

When it comes to storing unused furnace filters, the best way to ensure they remain clean and dry is to store them in a box or bag. This method of storage prevents dust from settling on them, as is the case with furniture, and also keeps microscopic particles from damaging the filter since air does not circulate through it. This will keep the filter in perfect condition until you are ready to use it. If you don't have the original box, you can use any other box or bag that is large enough to fit the filter.

It's also important to make sure that the box or bag is clean and free of dust and dirt. You can also drop off your old filters at a Habitat for Humanity Restore store. When changing your air filter, it's essential to have a plastic bag ready and immediately place the old filter in this bag when you take it out of the boiler or intake grille. This will help keep your boiler filters in optimal condition until you are ready to use them. Boiler filters do not expire, but it is essential to store them in a clean environment so as not to contaminate them before use. Storing your furnace filters properly is an important part of maintaining their efficiency and ensuring they last as long as possible.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your furnace filters remain in perfect condition until you are ready to use them.

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