Choosing the Right Air Filter: What You Need to Know

When selecting an efficient air filter for your oven, consider its MERV rating. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHARE) recommends a MERV 6 or higher. Learn more about choosing and installing an air filter.

Choosing the Right Air Filter: What You Need to Know

When it comes to selecting an efficient air filter for your oven, the most important factor to consider is the MERV rating. This rating, which can range from 1 to 16, determines the effectiveness of a filter in trapping air pollutants. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHARE) recommends a MERV 6 or higher, and most people opt for a MERV 8 filter. When looking for a high-quality filter, it's best to focus on the desired MERV rating rather than a specific brand.

With a MERV 13 rating, the highest you'll find on most residential HVAC filters, you can be sure that the filter will stop bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles. If you're searching for an air filter that will last a long time and reduce allergens in your home, then you should consider buying an expensive air filter. However, both OEM oven filters and discounted oven filters will have the same classification. An easy way to choose a replacement filter is to simply buy the same filter that you already use in your system.

Some filter brands and retailers use alternative scales, such as Home Depot's Air Filter Performance Rating System (FPR) or the MPR (on 3M Filtrete air filters). We also control the extent to which each filter restricts air flow using a differential pressure transducer installed in the air filter. Typically, both sources offer the right size air filter for your system, while aftermarket manufacturers such as FilterBuy add additional features such as odor blocking, a higher MERV rating, and designs that are easier to replace. To determine which size you need, take out the measuring tape and measure it directly or note (or take a picture) of the size printed on the filter frame. Once you've chosen your filter, be sure to install it facing the correct direction. Look for arrows on the filter frame that indicate the direction of the air flow.

Poorly adjusted air or heating filters can allow pollutants to enter your home, reduce system efficiency, and increase electricity bills. In addition, if the high-efficiency filter restricts the air too much, it may freeze during the summer or cause excessive overheating in the winter. You should expect to replace your air filter every three to 12 months of use depending on its size. Regularly changing your home's air filter is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality.

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