Does Changing Air Filter Improve Performance in Furnace?

Replacing furnace filters in your heating system can do a lot to benefit both your home and the heating system itself. Learn how changing furnace filters can improve performance.

Does Changing Air Filter Improve Performance in Furnace?

Replacing the furnace filters in your heating system can do a lot to benefit both your home and the heating system itself. It can enhance the air quality inside the house and it can also boost the efficiency of the oven. According to experts, the filter in an oven or air conditioning unit should be changed every one to three months, depending on the season. When filters are dirty, they force the engine or heating appliance to work harder, which can eventually lead to the entire system overheating. A clean home air filter will help you save money on energy costs, extend the life of your air conditioning system, and improve the quality of air you breathe on a daily basis.

If you have any queries about how effective furnace filters are or if you need to repair or install a heating system in your home, contact Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning, your St. Louis area HVAC specialists. It's essential for air to constantly move throughout your home; otherwise, it will stagnate and allow odor-causing particles, dust, moisture, and more to settle on surfaces. Energy Star recommends checking oven filters once a month, especially during winter and summer, and replacing them at least once every six months or annually. This happens when a dirty air filter is sucked back into the system, compromising air flow and causing a dangerous fire at the oven level.

However, it is possible to replace oven air filters based on expert recommendations. All Temperature Air suggests changing your air filter regularly to keep your home and air conditioning system running smoothly. A HEPA filter is highly effective but requires a significant amount of air pressure to force air through it.

Furnace filters

and those for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are particularly effective at capturing and trapping air pollutants such as allergens, pet dander, dust, smog, and even mold spores. The U.

S. Department of Energy reports that changing your home's air filter can improve the efficiency of your HVAC equipment by 5% to 15%, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars each year. An oven sends hot air through ducts at regular intervals, helping to increase overall airflow. Poor indoor air quality can cause symptoms such as eye irritation, sneezing, dizziness, and respiratory problems.

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