Pleated Furnace Filters: The Best Choice for Your Home

In the modern era of air filtration, pleated filters are the ideal choice for homeowners. They are more efficient, safer for the air and the HVAC unit, and not much more expensive than fiberglass filters.

Pleated Furnace Filters: The Best Choice for Your Home

In the modern era of air filtration, pleated filters are the ideal choice for homeowners. They are more efficient, safer for the air and the HVAC unit, and not much more expensive than fiberglass filters. Pleated air filters are better at trapping smaller pollutants such as pollen, pet dander, and bacteria. Over time, fiberglass filters can cause accumulations and weaken the air conditioning system, leading to an increase in energy costs.

The MERV rating of an air filter is a measure of how well it protects your home against contaminants between 0.3 and 10 microns. When selecting an air filter, it is important to consider factors such as effective air filtration, abundant air flow, and affordability. To avoid dirty filters, keep pets outside, don't spray deodorant, and don't use things that produce smoke. Fiberglass air filters are usually cheaper than pleated filters, but they may not always be the best option for your home, your air conditioning system, or your family's health.

Fiberglass filters have a MERV rating of 2 or 3 and can only resist large pollutants. They are also disposable and can wear out faster if washed or soaked. FilterBuy highly recommends pleated air filters rather than fiberglass filters for use in homes or businesses. The key is to find the right air filter and put the right ones together to create an impenetrable filtration system.

Pleated filters trap more debris than fiberglass filters and provide better protection against smaller pollutants. They also have a longer lifespan and are more reliable than fiberglass filters.

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